Doing homework with mom (kind of)

We have now had Karlee home for a little over a week. Jay's mom was here for a while when she first came home, but she left on Saturday so we have been all on our own. It has been a little difficult, but fun too. I love my little family and they bring so much joy to my life. My mom is coming Thursday night and I am so excited for her to come see us. Karlee is doing great now and is growing already! She changes everyday it seems like. Her hair is starting to get a little bit lighter, it looks more like a dark brown now instead of black. I have a feeling it will continue to get lighter and lighter. She is so fun to just watch and see the facial expressions she makes. I think she is going to have a little bit of an attitude (like her mom)! Since she has been home, Jay has learned that babies like to eat, sleep, and poop, that's about it. I think he is excited for her to be awake more and interact more when she gets older. She went to her first doctor's appt. last Friday and they said she is doing great! I was so glad to hear that. We are still trying to get her to figure out that night time is when you sleep and day time is when you are awake, she hasn't caught on to that one yet, but we are working on it. She is such a sweetheart and I love her to pieces. I am so grateful that she was sent to Jay and I and that we have the opportunity to be her parents and to raise her. I love all the adventures we have already had and the things we have learned because of her. I love being a mom to Karlee. She brings so much joy to Jay and I.