Sorry it has been so long since I have made a post. There has been a lot going on here. Since my last post there have been many changes. On January 29th my mom came out to spend a few weeks with us. It was so nice having her here to help us out. It was so fun seeing her with Karlee and for me to be able to spend time with her also. Jay and I were able to go out on some dates while she was here which was great also. She left on February 23th to go back to Virginia. I have missed her since she has been gone. I have also missed all of her help with cleaning and cooking and helping with Karlee. It has also been nice to be our own little family now just us on our own. Another thing that changed is we sold our old car and bought a new one. We bought a 2007 Malibu. It is so nice to have a new car. And another thing that is differnt is we are moving. Not far, just a street over, but we are moving to a bigger apartment, finally... YAY!!! We have been so cramped in our one bedroom apartment, we are very ready to move. We are moving on March 6th. So we have been busy going through things in our apartment and getting rid of stuff and packing. It is such an ordeal, but it will be worth it. Karlee is now almost 7 weeks old. I can't believe how fast time is going by and how much she is changing. I was originally going to go back to work after I had Karlee, but Jay and I talked about it all and decided it was best for me to stay home with Karlee as much as possible. So, I am taking my 11 credits online, and then I just started a block class on campus. But I am so grateful and thankful to my wonderful husband Jay for working so hard for us. He is so busy with school and working about 30 hours a week. He also helps a lot with Karlee in the evenings when he is home. I am so blessed to have a wonderful life! Here are a few new pictures of our beautiful little girl, enjoy!