Our drive back to Idaho went a lot better then we were both thinking it would! Karlee was a champ and did such a great job! We left Virginia on Thursday afternoon and got to Rexburg, Idaho on Saturday afternoon 46 hours later!!! We only stopped on Friday night for about 9 hours to get a few hours of sleep and mainly to be off the roads on New Years Eve. She only had a coupld break downs and those didn't even start until Friday evening. We bought car DVD players on Black Friday to use on this trip and man they were a life saver. She has never been interested in tv or movies at all. But she was totally into it on this trip. Probably because it was right in front of her face and she couldn't do anything. She loved Elmo! We got all of our stuff out of our storage unit on Saturday night thanks to a few of our friends and people from our ward who came to help! We are all moved in and loving our new apartment. We are still trying to get used to the time change again, but we are getting there. I will get some pictures up of our apartment soon for you all to see! In the mean time... I am home all day long with Karlee and love it, but at the same time I do get a little bored and lonely throughout the day. So if you are here in Rexburg, I would love to get together during the day some time!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Other stuff!
We decided to do a little birthday thing for Karlee before we left. She LOVES pizza so we had pizza for dinner and then cake and ice cream. She wasn't so sure what to do with the cake but she quickly figured it out! I can't believe she will be 1 in just a few days on the 11th! She is growing up so fast!
Not a pretty cake, but a thrown together in a short time impromptu cake!
Figured it out for sure!
Other December festivities...
Christmas! a little late...
We have an interesting Christmas this year. This was Karlee's first Christmas... but it was nothing like what I had pictured it would be. This is why... On December 23rd Karlee started to get a little caugh and runny nose, no big deal I thought, just another cold. She has had so many cold's that I wasn't worried about it. Then, the morning of the 24th, she woke up a lot worse. I got a little bit more concerned but continued with our plans for the day. Christmas Eve was the annual Teerlink Christmas party at my grandparents house. We gathered everything together to get ready to go. I put Karlee in her high chair to try to feed her a little bit before we left. She was not interested. Then in the time of about 20 minutes her breathing continued to get worse. I decided she shouldn't go to the party. My dad volunteered to stay home with Karlee while the rest of us went to the party. So we went, we ate, we did our nativity play and opened presents. I came home when it was all done and was very suprised by how bad Karlee was doing. Jay and I decided it was best to take her to the E.R. So we bundled her up and off we went at about 5:50 pm. After spending the evening in the E.R, having tests and X-Rays done they diagnosed her with pneumonia. They gave her a shot and sent us home with an antibiotic. Now the question was what pharmacy is open on Christmas day??? Well we found one and were able to get her medicine. Christmas morning was still a wonderful day, but we had a very sick little girl too. I was sad that she wouldn't get to enjoy this day. Even though she wouldn't understand everything, she didn't feel well at all. By that evening she seemed to be getting better, I was thrilled. Then Sunday comes and goes and she still seems to be doing a little better. Then Monday morning.... bam she is ten times worse and is struggling to even breathe let along have any energy to eat or do anything. We take her into the doctor and she is sent back to the hospital for another X-Ray and she was tested for RSV... results... Positive. So then she had pneumonia and RSV. Well we were origianlly supposed to leave Monday to drive back to Idaho for Jay to go back to school... plans changed. We were now dealing with a very sick baby. It was so scary watching her struggle to take every breath. We were able to keep her nose suctioned and the mucus out and keep her breathing ok with her albuterol and antibiotics that she never ended up being hospitalized thank goodness. We were in limbo as to what to do. Jay needed to get back for school but we couldn't travel with a sick baby. We went back to the doctor on Tuesday and her lungs sounded a little better. The doctor said to come back on Thursday and see if she would be ok to travel or not. We now had to decide if Jay should go ahead and leave and drive back by himself and get me a plane ticket... or if he would wait until Thursday to see if we would be able to come with him. After much thought and discussion he decided to wait. Tuesday evening and Wednesday we saw progression with her. Thursday we loaded up the car and went to the doctor to see what they thought.... and the doctor said.... SHE COULD GO!!! So we went back to my parents and loaded the last few things and said our goodbyes. We knew this day was coming the whole time we were there. But it was so hard to say good bye to my family. We really enjoyed our time there with them. Karlee became so close with them and I can tell that she misses them.
Well... I guess I should say a little bit about Christmas itself. We had a great Christmas... everyone was so nice and generous to us. But one of the highlights from Christmas morning was when Karlee saw the rocking chair that my dad (Papa) made her. She walked right over to it and loved it right away. Since we have been back in Idaho it has become her favorite thing. That is the picture at the top! She also got a lot of books that she loves! And a lot more things!
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