About two hours into our drive we ran into this beautiful lake that was huge and went for miles and miles. The view was so beautiful. The sky was pretty and blue and the color of the water was beautiful too.
We drove all the way from Rexburg, Idaho to Nauvoo, IL straight through. Our only stops were gas/potty/feeding karlee breaks. It was a little crazy with a 6 1/2 month old. Over all though she did very well. She had her moments where she broke down and nothing would get her to stop crying for 10 minutes or so, but we got through them and still had a good time. That stretch was about 26 hours (including our stops). It was so nice to finally be able to get out of the car and walk around for longer than 5 minutes. When we got to Nauvoo we were welcomed back to humidity, wow, I forgot how much I hate it! It was so hot and humid, so we only stayed a few hours. Here are some pictures from our afternoon there.

Jay was trying to get a picture of her with the flowers, but she was more interested in playing with them, but he finally was able to get this one.

Mom was such a huge help on this trip and Karlee really got to know and love her! THANKS MOM! It was also a lot of fun for me and Jay to spend the time with mom too.
Mom was such a huge help on this trip and Karlee really got to know and love her! THANKS MOM! It was also a lot of fun for me and Jay to spend the time with mom too.
After we spent a few hours in Nauvoo we got back in the car for another 4- 4 1/2 hours and drove to Oswego, IL to go see my sister and her family!
What a beautiful family!!!!