So since I last posted a lot has happened! I GRADUATED! YAY!!! I am so glad to be done!
We also moved the same day as graduation (I do not recommend this to ANYONE!) Karlee loved playing in the boxes the whole time.
Jay has decided that he wants to be a Physicians Assistant, so he is doing his internship this fall with a family friend of my family. He is a PA at a hospital in Virginia in my hometown. So, we arein Waynesboro, VA for the whole fall with my parents. It has been so fun being here so far! The whole last week of school we were very busy packing up our apartment and doing finals and getting everything ready to leave. Things were pretty hectic. Karlee was starting to become very mobile and rolled everywhere. She was a little unsure about what was going on. But we got everything done. Friday (July 23) was the last day of school, and graduation, and we had just about everything out and into storage that night. Saturday morning we woke up at about 6:30am and finished putting the last minute things in the car and drove out to begin our very long and crazy drive east from Idaho. Luckily my mom very kindly decided she would driveback with us to help with the driving and the baby. I will post another post about our trip here.
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