Monday, May 24, 2010


Karlee turned 4 months old on May 11, so I am a little behind on this. But she went to the doctor for her 4 month check up and shots. It was so sad because she was so happy and smiling at the nurses and then all the sudden she was in a state of shock and pain when they gave her the shots. It is so sad to hear her cry like that. But it didn't take her very long to be happy again. So at her 4 month appt. she weighed 11 lbs 15 ounces and was 24.5 inches. She is getting bigger, just slowly. She is in the 23% for weight and 62% for height! I just can't believe how fast time goes and how big she is getting. She changes so much. It is so fun to watch. She is getting pretty close to being able to sit up on her own. She loves to stand and sit all the time. She is not a big fan of laying anymore. Karlee is such a happy baby and is such a blessing to us. We were finally able to get a video of Karlee babbling. She does it all the time but whenever she sees the camera she always stops. When she sees the camera in this video she talked for a few seconds and then stopped. Enjoy the video!

1 comment:

  1. She's so cute and such a talker! She's definitely getting bigger, and I think that the bigger she gets the more and more she looks like her dad......
